1819 News: The Podcast Video

1819 Media presents 1819 News: The Podcast

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Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

This week Bryan sits down with Florida podcaster and radio show host, David Gornoski, to discuss a host of issues, chief of which is the fact that WE ARE THE CAVALRY. We can't wait on a political Messiah to save us, we must get busy being the solution. They cover innovation, seed oils & nutrition, family and more.
David has worked very closely with the Concerned Doctors since their inception as well as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough and others like them.
For 1819 News Members, they discuss Ghislaine Maxwell's phone call from prison where she said she doesn't believe Epstein killed himself. They also discuss how the whole pedophile island has been ignored by mainstream media.
To join the fight and become an 1819 News Member, click here:https://1819news.com/membership
Check out David Gornoski here:https://aneighborschoice.com/
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023

This week Bryan sits down with Dr. Matt Phillips and Ed Gannon of Life on Wheels, to discuss their ministry's unique approach to ministering to women in crisis pregnancy situations. You'll hear some incredible stories of God's faithfulness as well as the story of how Life on Wheels came about.https://www.lifeonwheelsalabama.com/
1819 News Members can go to the Member portal on the website to get a special Member Only segment where they discuss the effect of Roe v. Wade on pro-life ministries like Life on Wheels, as well as the effectiveness of various approaches to abortion ministry.
Join the Fight by becoming an 1819 News member today by signing up with the link below so you don't miss out on any content!https://1819news.com/membership
If you would like to volunteer with the Life on Wheels ministry team, please do so by going to this link: https://www.lifeonwheelsalabama.com/about-form
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

This week Bryan sits down with the ladies of Alabama Unfiltered to dig into this past week's historical Speaker's race fiasco. They also talk about how something similar is going on in Montgomery that you probably didn't know about, rules changes that appear to centralize power around the Alabama Speaker of the House.
1819 News Members will enjoy a third segment where they discuss why it is that people value decorum over effectiveness in politics and how the 11th Commandment reigns supreme, (Thou Shalt Be Nice... And forget the other 10)
Join the Fighthttps://1819news.com/membership
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023

Crimson Tide and New England Patriot Legend comes in the studio this week to sit down with Bryan and tell his incredible life story. 
They cover everything from John’s childhood to State Sovereignty, Bear Bryant to beef oligarchs.
You don’t want you miss this episode!
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022

This week Bryan sits down with a couple Alabama pastors to discuss our Founding Fathers' Political Theology and how it influenced their fight and ultimately the shaping of our nation. This is a power packed episode that will change the way you see the Bible as it pertains to political involvement.
Pastor Brandon Scroggins of Reformation Baptist Church in Wetumpka, AL
Pastor Rich Lusk of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, AL
Slaying Leviathan: Limited Government and Resistance in the Christian Traditionhttps://www.amazon.com/Slaying-Leviathan-Government-Resistance-Christian/dp/195241072X
Lex Rex: The Law and the Kinghttps://canonpress.com/products/lex-rex/
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

Join Bryan as he sits down with Alabama Unfiltered Host, Amie Beth Shaver, to discuss some major corruption in the state, both in the legislature and in the media. They discuss outgoing Speaker of the House, Mac McCutcheon's, involvement with a medical diagnostic company, QBR, that was hit by the DOJ for a fraud and kickback scheme, as well as Mac's son's involvement as the 49% owner and CFO of QBR.
They also discuss the NPR story that came out about a few media outlets in the state having connections to Alabama Power and political dark ops group, The Matrix.
Finally they jump into the "Respect for Marriage Act"
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

One of the most effective ways to make your voice heard is to write a letter to your legislators and representatives. Today we are going to introduce a tool to help you do that and introduce you to the man that made that possible. 
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022

Join Bryan as he sits down with the Alabama Unfiltered ladies to discuss the cover up of the Hunter Biden story by previous twitter ownership and what Elon Musk is doing to make twitter great again. 
They also discuss Helena Duncan, a Maxine Watters donor and a consistent Democrat voter taking over the BCA and how the big mules found their way onto Kay Ivey's Inaugural Committee.
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

This week Bryan sits down with Thatcher Coalition Founder, 1819 News Contributor, and mother of 7, Stephanie Holden Smith to discuss the importance of worldview when approaching the political arena.
This is the second week in a row that we have had the opportunity to sit down with a mother of seven and that comes up as well, you don’t want to miss this one!
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

With so much of our focus being on manhood, we thought it would be appropriate to dedicate an episode to the glory of womanhood and hear from a couple ladies who really lean into their calling as women.
Stacy Lyn Harris is the host of a cooking show on the Outdoor Network and a homeschool mother of 7. Ashley Carter is the Marketing Coordinator for 1819 News that keeps the trains running on time for us and has some incredible stories of growing up in the south and choosing life when she found out she was pregnant at a young age.
"For any questions or comments, please email them to thepodcast@1819news.com"
Be sure to subscribe to 1819 News The Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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